Private training students on a limited basis on Tuesdays or Wednesdays for general manners or enrichment (i.e. tricks, fitness, sport) only, at our location. We are no longer offering behavior modification.

Individualized lesson programs meet your needs where group classes may not. Any of our group class curricula can be done as private training should you wish to limit your dog's exposure to other dogs and distractions. This includes basic manners, puppy manners, fitness, tricks, rally, Treibball, Hoopers, conformation, or a hybrid of several topics.

The room ("ring") may be rented for a small fee for you to practice rally, obedience, conformation on your own (with no instruction) during times we have no classes or lessons scheduled.

Perfect for your busy family that wants to learn the foundations of canine manners scheduled to fit your hectic schedule. You are actively involved in the training process as we work together to perform and perfect the exercises, communicate expectations effectively with your furry family member and set up the environment to eliminate the potential for error. You learn to confidently guide your dog towards choices YOU find desirable instead of typical nuisance behaviors, resulting in a well behaved and trusting family pet.

This package is best suited for families seeking basic manners help or for puppies.

Head of the Class Dog Training LLC

Topics covered: Skills such as Focus, Sit, Down, Stay, LLW, Trade / Drop, Leave it, Come, (for puppies: puppy related topics such as house training tips)

Three private lessons of approx. 1 hour each. Sessions held at our location

Written instructions and follow up emailed after each lesson

Basic manners training manual, treat apron, clicker

EXPIRATION DATES: Package expires after 6 weeks from date of sign up. All lessons must be completed within that time or they are forfeited.

Offers a balance between basic manners and a more customized plan for individual behaviors to fit your needs. Are you looking for more advanced “Basics”, like proofing your dog’s behaviors and fine tuning for therapy dog work? Or you are looking for individual training to get started in one of the dog sport topics like Conditioning, Rally, Weight Pull, or Conformation after getting a handle on the required basic skills for that particular sport?

Head of the Class Dog Training LLC

This option gives you the utmost in flexibility and support in helping you learn to manage, understand, treat, and improve your dog’s general  behaviors. Basic Manners instruction is a component of this plan, but it is the most customizable to build upon general training for a specific purpose. This program is best for families who want some basic manners refreshers, and/ or for a specialty interest that is not being offered in a class format (Canine conditioning, tricks, etc.) at the time, or for individuals who prefer more support and guidance with training.

Five private lesson of approx. 1 hour each,  at our location (or in some cases “field trip”* lessons as determined by individual needs)

Supplemental handouts emailed to you after each session to guide you towards optimal success

Basic Manners training manual, treat apron, clicker

Supplementary reading materials/booklets specific to your concerns about your dog's behaviors


EXPIRATION DATES: Package expires after 12 weeks from date of sign up. All lessons must be completed within that time or they will be forfeited.

This option gives you the utmost in flexibility and support in helping you learn to manage,  and improve your dog’s annoying behaviors. You will learn how to communicate your expectations with your dog, and also to understand what his behaviors are trying to communicate to you. Basic Manners instruction is a component of this plan, and is the most customizable to build upon the successes of each lesson to include activities such as sport foundations and introduction to specialized interests.

Eight private lesson of approx. 1 hour each  at our location, (in some cases “field trip”* lessons as determined by the training plan)

Head of the Class Dog Training LLC

Supplementary handouts emailed to you after each session to guide you towards optimal progress

Basic Manners training manual, treat apron, clicker

Supplementary reading materials/booklets specific to your interests


EXPIRATION DATES: Package expires 5 months after sign up date. All lessons must be completed within that time or they are forfeited.

Not ready to commit to a larger program? No problem! You can do a lesson at a time!

Behavioral goals questionnaire is required in advance so we can hit the ground running at your lesson. Request it by emailing [email protected] The form will be a Google document that must be completed 48 hours prior to your appointment.

Please schedule your one hour session using the calendar.

Lessons are held at our location. Expires 1 month from purchase - schedule promptly to avoid forfeiture.

Head of the Class Dog Training LLC

To schedule a lesson in your lesson package, use the calendar below to reserve your spot.  Lessons are 1 hour time slots.

Please note: We do not take same day bookings.

Same day cancellations will count as a completed lesson, or deposit forfeiture as it is too late to fill the appointment with another client.

Head of the Class Dog Training LLC

Need to practice some skills in a space free of interruptions or distractions?

Rent our space for 55 minute intervals to work on Rally, Conformation, Obedience, Treibball, or other sports.

This allows you use of the training space for 55 minutes to work your dog in Conformation, Rally, Obedience or other sports.

You are responsible for putting back and cleaning up anything you use before the end of the hour time so the room is available for the next person.

Price is per handler - you may work 2 dogs in your allotted time. Please crate your non-working dog when it is not that dog's turn.

This time does not include instruction or assistance from instructors.


If you feel your dog is ready for the Canine Good Citizen Test, The Canine Good Citizen Urban Test, or any Level of AKC Trick Dog Test you may reserve a 30 minute block of time to perform an evaluation.

For more information about the CGC Test, visit the AKC website to see what is on the test, and to watch a video sample of the test.

Use the Private Training Calendar link above to schedule

Frequently Asked Questions about private lesson training

A: It depends. Everyone has a different idea of what a “trained” dog looks like. For best results, whatever your end goals, your dog will be trained faster if you and your family are consistent with following instructions, always preventing the undesirable behavior from happening with appropriate management, and practicing the skills you learn in class and in lessons several times a week between lessons. Doing your homework pays off.

This is the same as the question "How much does it cost to train my dog?" It will depend on how much you practice with your dog between your sessions and how consistently you work with your dog. The costs of our classes are listed, but the work in between the classes and lessons is what will determine how many lessons or how many times you will need to take a class. A family that is inconsistent may need to take a class several times before meeting the criteria to move to the next level, whereas a person who practices regularly and consistently may meet their goals very quickly.

A: No. We are not allowed to utilize proprietary materials to conduct “run thru” tests. Depending on which program you will be choosing to evaluate with you will have to follow their guidelines for therapy testing. For example, Pet Partners prohibits evaluators from running “practice evaluations” using their testing materials. If you feel your dog is ready for the evaluation, visit and create a volunteer profile. Follow the requirements to become a volunteer, and sign up to take an evaluation. If you prefer to evaluate with Alliance of Therapy Dogs, you will contact an evaluator to set up an initial evaluation and subsequent observations by visiting Each organization has their own methods, and you will have to determine which program best suits you. All therapy dog tests are similar in that  they are looking for well mannered, outgoing, friendly, social dogs, that are clean and neatly groomed for visits.

If you feel your dog likely needs more work on basic manners, our Polite Pooch 1 and Polite Pooch 2, Public Polite Pooch 3 class levels are designed to systematically guide you from beginner dog manners to Canine Good Citizen, Advanced Canine Good Citizen, Urban Canine Good Citizen, to be better able to pass any therapy dog test or even provide public access manners practice for potential service dogs.

A: No. The best way to perpetuate bad behavior is to allow the dog to practice it.  The best thing to do is fill out the behavioral questionnaire as completely and with as much detail as possible so we can discuss it BEFORE you bring in your dog for a private lesson. This is why we require the paperwork be sent in ahead of time if you are doing private lessons. In some cases, allowing the dog to act how he usually does would be annoying at best, and at worst unsafe or even dangerous to people and the dog. Follow all instructions about confining dog, leashing dog, muzzling dog, etc. that you receive after you submit your behavioral questionnaire. 

In a group class, like Polite Pooch  there is no preliminary behavior questionnaire, so it is incumbent on you to keep your dog close to you and not allow him/her to run up to other dogs or people when arriving or moving around the class. This is why we recommend a plentiful supply of a variety of high value treats to help your dog deal with distractions at first in classes.